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Component Voting

Vote on what components you'd like to see added to our roadmap in August*

*New components are released on the first Monday of each month. The top voted item on the voting board will be added to our roadmap for future monthly releases. All votes will be reset for each month to keep requests more relevant.

You must be logged in to vote.

Provide feedback on upcoming features for Site Builder
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Time till voting closes
Voting closed
We'll be collecting votes again soon. Join our Slack community to be notified when voting opens next.
Voting is temporarily unavailable
We have identified a problem with our voting board and our team is currently working on a solution. Please check back later.

More Off-Grid Components

Components with layouts that break the common grid and container boundaries.

Coming February 6

Huge Heading Sections

Make your hero headers stand out with Huge Heading Sections. These oversized headers draw attention and complement Off-grid layouts, perfect for editorial and stylistic websites.


Video Course & Online Learning Components

Components made for video courses and online learning platforms. Includes fully customisable YouTube, Vimeo or HTML video player components.


More E-commerce Sections

Highlight and promote your products and services on your website with dynamic, CMS driven e-commerce sections


Video Testimonial Sections

Showcase customer feedback through videos, adding authenticity and trust. Ideal for building credibility and making your website communicate more with less.


Uncommon Portfolio Sections

Sections that leave a lasting impression on visitors viewing your portfolio of work.

Added to Roadmap

Comparison Sections

Display information side by side to enable users to easily compare different products, services, or features.

Added to Roadmap

Promotional Modals

These modals serve to highlight exclusive promotions, special offers, or invite users to subscribe to your newsletter.

Added to Roadmap
Want to add suggestions for our roadmap?
Join our Slack community and share your requests to the channel #component-requests. You'll also be able to see suggestions others have shared too.
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